Light in Transition
One word that characterizes the situation in the lighting industry during the recent years is “transition”. This transition to a new era is caused by changes in the symbiotic relationship between technological development, lighting design and, of course, sustainability principles. Lighting digitization together with the widespread use of LED lamps has led to increased device connectivity and interactivity offering a wide range of possibilities. LiFi, Internet of Things, Power over Ethernet and wireless sensors have transformed the traditional luminaires into smart devices capable to connect in a network transmitting information. As light is now enriched with information, it is possible to increase energy savings through smart controls and also to include additional functions, such as dynamic operation according to the users’ expectations and needs. The aforementioned developments allow not only the manipulation of a luminaire’s emitted luminous flux but also the color temperature of the light source. This is the core concept of the Human Centric Lighting which affects health, well-being and productivity, providing proper lighting when and where is needed. Fortunately, it seems that in this new era the focus of lighting design has just moved from spatial aspects to human aspects.
Furthermore, the use of artificial lighting in the built environment during nighttime can affect not only the visual performance and the wellbeing of humans, but also the environment. As architectural lighting is focusing into highlighting building facades and exterior areas, new formed legislations are trying to minimize the negative effects of the irrational use of artificial lighting. The lack of lighting design and energy consumption restrictions for exterior areas such as building facades, sports and recreation areas, have increased the use of lighting installations. Nowadays with the advent of energy efficient luminaires (LED) and state of the art lighting controls, the need for a better living environment should be promoted along with environmentally friendly lighting design techniques.
It is therefore of urgent importance that the new and often contradictory lighting trends are thoroughly examined and this is exactly the scope of this International Conference. IC-LIGHTS will try to highlight the role of lighting in the built environment, including the corresponding positive and negative issues that have recently emerged and document the current trends of lighting design for interior and exterior places. Case studies of highly remarkable lighting practices and exceptional lighting projects are also welcome.
Overall, the emerging developments on Lighting, Interactivity, Heritage, Health, Technology and Sustainability create specific skills and competences requirements for the human capital that works or would like to work in these areas. These topics are at the core of the ECOSLIGHT- Environmentally Conscious Smart Lighting EU-funded project (612658-EPP-1-2019-1-EL-EPPKA2-SSA). Therefore, one of the objectives of the conference is to contribute to the identification of those needs.
Call for papers
The conference invites submissions of extended abstracts (1000-1500 words) of work related to the conference themes discussing evidence-based, theoretical and conceptual research, as well as innovative case studies from both researchers and practitioners coming from different disciplinary backgrounds. Submissions will be reviewed by the members of the international programme committee and ranked on the basis of the originality of the research presented in relation to conference themes, clarity of presentation, the quality of the contribution made by the research, the validity and rigour of the methodology chosen, the significance of the results presented and the overall contribution to the understanding of archaeological practices in a changing world. The extended abstracts will form a book of abstracts that will be freely downloadable through the website.
An option for submitting short papers (3000-4000 words) after the Conference dates is also included. Successful short papers can form a discrete publication with ISBN depending on the amount of papers received. Authors that wish to submit a short paper will be notified for publication options at the Conference.
All submitted papers will be reviewed by experts in the field covered by the conference topics.
Conference Topics
The main topics of the conference include, but are not limited to:
- Architectural lighting
- Daylighting in the built environment
- Decision making systems for optimized lighting
- Human Centric Lighting (Case studies of exceptional lighting projects are welcome)
- Innovative lighting controls (Photosensors, CCD sensors, occupancy sensors, etc)
- Innovation in lighting and luminaires (dynamic lighting, dimming, IoT, LiFi, etc)
- Light pollution and impact on the human health
- Lighting Design and Sustainability
- Near and Net Zero Energy Buildings
- Retrofitting Strategies, Measurement and Verification
- Social Impact and wellbeing (Ergonomics, Productivity, etc)
- Visual impairment and corresponding lighting needs
- Exterior Lighting Design and building Façade lighting
- Smart lighting systems
- Smart city lighting
- Dark sky
- Light pollution and impact on fauna and flora
- Lighting simulation and modelling for exterior places
- Retrofitting Strategies, Measurement and Verification
- Visual perception and lighting needs
- Road lighting
- Tunnel lighting
- Sports lighting
- Lighting for Heritage
- Lighting in Archaeology
- Light and Art
All accepted extended abstracts will be published online at the conference website
An extended abstract should contain following information:
- Keywords (up to 5) describing the topic of the presentation
- Introduction with a problem statement and/or research questions
- Methods used in the study (when applicable)
- Findings and argument
- Conclusions (including eventual generalisations, implications and/or recommendations)
- References following the the Chicago Manual of Style: In-text citations should follow the Author-Date style.
- The main research argument should be described in a text 1000-1500 words long
Please use Easychair at for all submissions. Proposals submitted, for instance, by email will not be considered for the conference
- Create a user account or login to the Conference Management System
- Upload extended abstract according to the template
- Wait for reviewers results
- Upload Full paper (optional)
- Register for participation for free
Selected papers can be published after second peer-review in the journal “Sustainability” with IF 2.592 in the following special issues:
- Sustainable by Design: Towards a New Paradigm for the Built Environment.
- The Future of Interior Lighting is here
- Human Oriented and Environmentally Friendly Lighting Design of Exterior Areas
Important Dates
- Extended abstract submission deadline: September 14 2020
- Notification of acceptance: September 28 2020
- Final submission deadline: October 5 2020
- Conference presentations: October 10 2020
- Short paper submission deadline: November 20 2020
Paper Presentation
Papers will be presented in physical and online sessions. Authors are expected to attend the conference either in person to present their papers, or through online tools which will be announced at a later date.
Accompanying Events
Manufacturers, designers and distributers of lighting systems and components, technologies and goods, related to lighting, are welcome to participate at the Conference with presentations and demonstrations either physically or online. Sponsorships are also welcome.
Workshops for lighting professionals, as well as for children will be organised. More details will be announced at a later date due to COVID-19 restrictions.
The Conference will use ZOOM for online participation. Please register at the following links for each Virtual Room you would like to participate.
Keynote Speakers

Anna Sbokou - ASlight
Anna is founder of ASlight, an award wining independent lighting design studio based in London and Athens, working on local and international projects for over 10 years. She specializes in high-end, human-centric lighting design. Completed works includes high profile exhibitions, leisure, hospitality, commercial, cultural, exterior and residential projects, as well as theatre productions, temporary artistic installations and daylight analysis world-wide.
In 2016 she was also on the 40underfourty list of up‐and‐coming lighting designers at the International Lighting Design Awards. Anna also served on the Board of Directors of the International Association of Lighting Designers for 6 years and is currently a member of the IALD European Steering Committee.

Konstantinos Papamichael
Konstantinos (Kosta) Papamichael is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Design and served as the Co-Director of the California Lighting Technology Center at the University of California, Davis from 2004 to 2019. He holds an Architectural Engineering degree from the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Greece, a Masters in Architecture from Iowa State University, and a Ph.D. in Architecture from the University of California at Berkeley.
Kosta has been working on the development of energy efficiency strategies and technologies for buildings for over 35 years, focusing on strategies, technologies and design tools for fenestration systems, daylighting, and the integration of fenestration, electric lighting and HVAC controls. He holds seven patents and is author/co-author of more than 100 publications. He is the author of the Daylight Chapter of the Advanced Lighting Guidelines, the Chair of the IES Daylighting Committee, and the recipient of the 2013 IES Presidential Award for leading the development of the new version of the IES Recommended Practice for Daylighting Buildings. Kosta is also serving in the Executive Committee and is the Communications VP of the US National Committee of the International Commission on Illumination.

Prof. Georges ZISSIS
PhD, SMIEE, President IEEE Industrial Application Society (2019-20), Vice-Rector Toulouse 3 University (2020-23). Born in Athens in 1964, has graduated in 1986 from Physics department of University of Crete in general physics. He got his MSc and PhD in Plasma Science in 1987 and 1990 from Toulouse 3 University (France). He is today full Professor in Toulouse 3 University (France). His primary area of work is in the field of Light Sources Science and Technology. He is especially interested in the physics of electrical discharges used as light sources; system and metrology issues for solid-state lighting systems; normalization and quality issues for light sources; impact of lighting to energy, environment, quality of life, health and security; interaction between light source and associated power supply; illumination and lighting. He is director of “Light & Matter” research group of LAPLACE that enrols 20 researchers. He won in December 2006 the 1st Award of the International Electrotechnical Committee (IEC) Centenary Challenge for his work on normalization for urban lighting systems (in conjunction with IEEE, IET and the Observer). In 2009, he won the Energy Globe Award for France and he got the Fresnel Medal from the French Illuminating Engineering Society. In 2011 has been awarded the title of Professor Honoris Causa of Saint Petersburg State University (Russian Federation) and he was President of the Power Electronics, Electronics, Optoelectronics and System section of the French National Council of Universities for the period 2014-19.
Free attendance to Virtual Room A , Virtual Room B .
09:15 - 10:00 Τest connections-links
Opening Session - Chair: Stelios Zerefos
10:00 - 10:10Welcome to LIGHTS2020 (Stelios Zerefos)
10:10 - 10:20Hellenic Open University (Odysseus Ioannis Zoras)
10:20 - 10:30Nordic Urban Lab (Trevor Davies)
10:30 - 10:45The ECOSLIGHT project (Spiros Borotis)
10:45 - 10:50ΒREAK
Keynote Speaker - Chair: Aris Tsangrasoulis
10:50 - 11:15Integrated Lighting, Daylighting & HVAC Controls for Comfort & Energy Efficiency (Kostas Papamichael)
Session A1 Theme: Daylighting - Chair: Aris Tsangrasoulis
11:15 - 11:30Kinetic Facades for the exploitation of daylighting (Antonios Tamkatzoglou, Ioanna Symeonidou)
11:30 - 11:45Impacts of a prototype active sunlight redirection system on daylighting and energy balance of office spaces (Antonis Kontadakis, Lambros Doulos and Aris Tsangrasoulis)
11:45 - 12:00Design of Skylights ofr the transfer of natural light in underground spaces (Aggelos Tzortzis, Aris Tsangrasoulis, Theodora Antonakaki)
12:00 - 12:10Questions/interaction ALL
12:10 - 12:25ΒREAK
Session A2 Theme: Human factors in Lighting - Chair: Sophia Sotiropoulou
12:25 - 12:40Light as a design tool for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in educational spaces (Eleni Georgiadou and Christina Skandali)
12:40 - 12:55Lighting Design for the visually impaired (Eleni Patroni)
12:55 - 13:10Lighting Design in Preschool Center versus Lighting Design in Retirement Home (Maria Brasinika and Katerina Skalkou)
13:10 - 13:20Questions/interaction ALL
13:20 - 13:45ΒREAK
Κeynote Speech - Chair: Frangiskos V. Topalis
13:40 - 14:05Frontiers in Lighting Systems Technology: Toward the human-centric intelligent lighting era. (Georges Zissis)
Session A3 Theme: Lighting Technology and Metrics - Chair: Frangiskos V. Topalis
14:05 - 14:20Light flicker health issues and metrics: a critical review (Athanasios Kotsenos and Anastasios Dimitrakis)
14:20 - 14:35Multi-angle lighting measurements of outdoor installations using unmanned aerial systems (Constantinos A. Bouroussis and Frangiskos V. Topalis)
14:35 - 14:50The Evolution of Color Rendering (Anastasios Dimitrakis and Athanasios Kotsenos)
14:50 - 15:05Algorithm for specifying the influence of geometrical and other parameters to the light reflected on surfaces (Asterios Tolidis)
15:05 - 15:20Chaotic phenomena in LED driver circuits (Elias Tsirbas, Evangelos Skoubris and Frangiskos V. Topalis)
15:20 - 15:30Questions/interaction ALL
15:30 - 15:40ΒREAK
Closing Remarks - Chair: Stelios Zerefos
15:45 - 16:15Reflections on the Conference and closing remarks (Stelios Zerefos)
Session B1 Theme: Lighting and Heritage - Chair: Dorina Moullou
10:50 - 11:05Exterior lighting and collective memory: the case of coastal areas (Hara Sigala and Gourgioti Aggeliki)
11:05 - 11:20Light qualities of Ancient Greece: a contemporary approach for the lighting design of archaeological & cultural heritage (Athena Sivi and Nikos Trivyzadakis)
11:20 - 11:35Emerging from oblivion. Accent Lighting for the Castle of Levadia (Loukas Angelis, Dorina Moullou and Hara Sigala)
11:35 - 11:45Questions/interaction ALL
Keynote Speaker - Chair: Stelios Zerefos
11:45 - 12:10From Light to Life and Back (Anna Sbokou)
12:10 - 12:25ΒREAK
Session B2 Theme: Lighting and Environment - Chair: Aris Tsangrasoulis
12:25 - 12:40«Facade lighting of historic buildings concerning the consequences on light pollution» (Militsa Tomasovits, Lambros Doulos, Stelios Zerefos and Thanos Balafoutis)
12:40 - 12:55Planning an International Dark-Sky Place in Aenos National Park: The first steps (Andreas Papalambrou, Lambros Doulos, Georgios Drakatos, Michail Xanthakis, Panagiotis Minetos and Anastasia-Eleni Magoula)
12:55 - 13:10Lighting Design as a sustainable parameter in International Building Green Certificates (Ioannis Panagiotopoulos)
13:10 - 13:25Sustainable Light Design. A Greek School Building as a Case Study (Chrysoula Fragkouli, Katerina Skalkos and Theodora Antonakaki)
13:25 - 13:40The effect of artificial lighting on plant growth (Konstantinos Christodoulou)
13:40 - 13:50Questions/interaction ALL
Session B3 Theme: Lighting and Art - Chair: Veroniki Korakidou
14:05 - 14:20Electronic art in the 20th century. The case of Frank J. Malina A STEAM methodology educational program for primary school children (Kiriaki Genitsaridou)
14:20 - 14:35Bioluminescence in contemporary art and lighting design:advantages and limitations (Veroniki Korakidou)
14:35 - 14:50Theorising and evaluating film lighting (Ioannis Skopeteas)
14:50 - 15:05Lighting and procedures for creating a suitcase theater performance. The theater out of its conventional space - street theater (Panagiotis Nikolidakis, Thanos Balafoutis)
15:05 - 15:20REFLECTIONS A reference on the work of Nicolas Schöffer through contemporary trends and applications in Light Art (Eftychia Gianniou)
15:20 - 15:30Questions/interaction ALL
15:30 - 15:40ΒREAK
Scientific Committee
- Theodora Antonakaki, consultant B.O.G.
- Thanos Balafoutis, researcher H.O.U.
- Costas Bouroussis, researcher N.T.U.A.
- Lambros Doulos, researcher N.T.U.A.
- Ioannis Ladopoulos, researcher H.O.U.
- Evangelos-Nikolaos Madias, researcher N.T.U.A.
- Dorina Moullou, Archaeologist, Ministry of Culture
- Antonio Opromolla, Teacher at L.C.U.
- Iakovos Potamianos, professor A.U.TH
- Hara Sigala, lighting designer
- Katerina Skalkos, lighting designer
- Christina Skandali, lighting designer
- Sophia Sotiropoulou, researcher IESL-FORTH
- Ioanna Symeonidou, as. professor U.TH.
- Frangiskos Topalis, professor N.T.U.A.
- Aris Tsangrasoulis, professor U.TH
- Rebeka Vital, lecturer Shenkar
- Stelios Zerefos, professor H.O.U.
- +more T.B.A.
Organizing Committee
- Stelios Zerefos
- Leana Giannopoulou
- Gerasimos Vonitsanos
- Fotini Gatomati
- Adamantia Antoniou
- Lambros Doulos
- Dorina Moullou
- Hara Sigala
- Katerina Skalkos
- Christina Scandali
- Theodora Antonakaki
For further information about the conference, please send an email to