Environmentally Conscious Smart Lighting
The construction sector faces new challenges in order to provide smart, energy efficient and sustainable lighting environments for infrastructure, cities, buildings and the industry, in order to follow the 2050 low-carbon economy roadmap of the European Commission. Thanks to the growing demand for energy-efficient lighting systems, building on smart technologies, as well as the striving efforts to reduce the ecological footprint and at the same time promote healthy and safe living, the Smart Lightning Market is expected to grow at a 20%. Additionally, shifts to the digital economy and universal connectivity enabling the IoT will be dominant trends across industries in the coming three decades.

There is an imminent and growing need of lighting design skills that bring together lighting design and smart technologies, as well as skills that take into account ecological and human-centric issues on lighting systems in the connected world that we live in. The ECOSLIGHT: Environmental Conscious Smart Lighting project, supported by the European Framework of Erasmus+ / Sector Skills Alliances Programme, aims to enhance employability and improve the career prospects of lighting-related professionals, while also help businesses to find the right competences they need to increase their competitiveness.
Project outputs will directly benefit lighting-related professionals (e.g. architectures, engineers, decorators, ICT professionals, etc), as well as market companies, associations and social partners, municipalities and policy makers. Indirectly, the project will contribute to raising the quality of life of the general public, by enabling smart buildings and cities to provide enhanced lighting experiences. Overall, the project is expected to present a serious impact in raising the productivity and results of professionals working in the construction sector, and especially in the areas of exploitation of contemporary technologies, energy saving, and human well-being.